The National Insurance Property Development Company Limited(NIPDEC) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Insurance Board of Trinidad and Tobago (NIBTT). NIPDEC was incorporated as a private limited liability company in July 1977, under the Companies Ordinance with a paid up capital of Twenty Five Million Dollars (TT$ 25,000,000.00) and has been duly continued under the Companies Act 1995.
Over the years, NIPDEC has established itself as a professional organisation that provides a diversified portfolio of services including project management, procurement management, facilities management and commercial services that are geared to meet the ever changing needs of its Valued Clients.
NIPDEC is a professional service organization that continues to implement a project management approach in undertaking its everyday assignments. Combined with continuous quality improvement NIPDEC has positioned itself as one of the leading property development and car park operating companies in Trinidad and Tobago.
Our major client is the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, through Governmental Ministries and State Agencies; our projects include some of the country’s largest construction developments and landmark buildings.
Read about our major accomplishments.