Chronic Disease Assistance Plan (CDAP)
Since its inception on 21st February 2003, the Chronic Disease Assistance Plan (CDAP) has been growing by leaps and bounds. With its introductory twenty (20) pharmaceutical items, in the treatment areas of Diabetes, Hypertension, Glaucoma and some other Cardiac Diseases, CDAP sought to meet the immediate demands of the over 65 population.On further review, it was decided to reduce the age range to include persons aged 60 and over and include children 18 years and under. In this regard, the treatment areas of Asthma, Depression, Arthritis and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (Enlarged Prostate) were introduced to the programme in March 2004.Upon the success of this expansion, the Ministry of Health expanded the programme even further to include all citizens of Trinidad & Tobago in November 2004, with a list of now 53 pharmaceutical items. In an effort to handle the dramatic increase of persons accessing the programme, the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with The Pharmacy Board and NIPDEC acquired a new computerised system, to streamline the processing of CDAP prescriptions.
The primary objective is to reduce the burden on the pharmacies and patient waiting time at the public health institutions by immediately providing approximately 257additional dispensing facilities, across the country.
CDAP Pharmacies
To view all pharmacies in CDAP by area click on the following links North, South, East, Central, Tobago.
A sample of the ordering form is available here for your perusal.